The NZ AIDS Foundation has received six thousand dollars from the Caluzzi and Urge Beer Garden at February's Get It On Big Gay Out. l-r: Alan Granville, Ben Barrat-Boyes, Cherry Sonderer, Paul Heard, Campbell Orr The donation was presented to the Foundation by Caluzzi's Campbell Orr and Urge's Alan Granville and Paul Heard. NZAF National Partnerships Co-ordinator Ben Barratt-Boyes, who formally received the out-sized presentation cheque along with new Trust Board member Cherry Sonderer, says the six thousand is "the largest amount ever raised in the Beer Garden in the eleven years the event has been running." He says the proceeds are a tribute to the bar owners' commitment to, and support for, the project. The Foundation says the donation will benefit its HIV prevention initiatives, including next year's Big Gay Out, which is scheduled for 13 February 2011.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 15th March 2010 - 10:37pm