The creator of New Zealand's highest-profile drag pageant The Queen of the Whole Universe says he's sure this November's show will be another record-breaker, and is keen to get as many beautiful 'girls' involved as possible. A very queer pageant: Girls from all over the universe show off Jonathan Smith says he's thrilled to announce the show's return for a seventh year, happening at Auckland's Aotea Centre on Saturday 6 November. "The Guinness Book of Records has confirmed we set a new world record for 'The largest drag queen stage show' at Wellington's St. James Theatre last June - we managed to beat our own world record we set in Auckland in 2008," he tells $3,500 towards rehearsal costs for the QWU 2010 show has been confirmed through ACC Creative Community Funding, Smith adds. Smith is now calling for cast members who would like to be in the QWU 2010 show. "No previous dance/drag or stage experience is needed," he says. "The only requirement is that you want to have some fun with a great supportive team, can commit to Wednesday and Sunday night rehearsals during September and October and naturally the show dates. "We need male and female to play either QWU girl or QWU boy roles – any combination is fine. Our first get-together will be next month." Interested people can contact Jonathan Smith via email at
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Thursday, 25th February 2010 - 11:01pm