A three-week series of short films exploring transgender, intersex and bisexual stories is beginning at Waikato Museum this week. Intersex story: A scene from XXY Tomorrow (Wednesday 20 Jan), Sarah and Cindy from Agender Waikato will show their eight-minute film Digital Stories about their transition from male to female. It will be followed by TransArt, a 10-minute look into the lives of two transgender Auckland artists, and She's a Boy I Knew, a 70-minute movie documenting Vancouver filmmaker Gwen Haworth's male-to-female gender transition partially through the voices of her anxious but loving family, best friend, and wife. The second film session is scheduled for Friday 22 January, showing intersex documentaries One in 2000 and XXY. Next Wednesday 27 January, the BiGroup of the Waikato and the Bay of Plenty together with Hamilton Pride and the Waikato Museum will co-host the screening of Bi the Way, a film which investigates the latest scientific reports and social opinions on bisexuality while following five members of the emerging "whatever generation" - teens and twenty-somethings who are ushering in a whole new sexual revolution." Filmgoers will be invited to a social meet at Metropolis Cafe after the screening. All three film sessions start at the museum at 7pm, and are free of charge but a Koha is appreciated. More information about the films is on the Waikato Museum's website.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News Staff
First published: Tuesday, 19th January 2010 - 9:35pm