A Palestinian shopkeeper and father portrayed as a 'terrorist' in Sacha Baron Cohen's movie Bruno is suing for US$110 million (NZ$150 million), saying the film ruined his life. Lawsuit: Sasha Boron Cohen's Bruno Ayman Abu Aita is suing Cohen, talk show host David Letterman and others for slander. During a comedic interview with Cohen's gay Bruno character, the Bethlehem shopkeeper is labelled as a member of the militant Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade. Cohen later went on Letterman's show detailing how he had made contact with the 'terrorist' and met him in a secret location. Abu Aita's lawyers claim he is a peace-loving Christian who abhors violence, and he in fact "enjoyed a good reputation for honesty and a peaceable nature" before the film was released. He was also concerned that gay associations in the film could cause him danger, reports the Associated Press. Meanwhile, an Alabama pastor who was seen in the film trying to talk Bruno out of being gay says he was duped into appearing in the film - Cohen's crew led him to believe Bruno was a real character, he says. Sasha Baron Cohen's interview with David Letterman in which he describes meeting Ayman Abu Aita is shown below.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News Staff
First published: Friday, 11th December 2009 - 9:22am