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Jealous Miss Brazil Gay runner-up snatches crown

Sun 22 Nov 2009 In: International News View at Wayback

The proud winner of Brazil's top drag queen pageant was celebrating her triumphant win when her crown and wig were abruptly torn off by a jealous competitor. The shocking moment when a runner-up snatched Miss Brazil Gay 2009 Ava Simoes' headgear was captured on camera. "Whenever the winner is announced at a beauty pageant, the losers always stand there with a processed smile on their face and freshly glazed eyes," notes gossip blog dlisted. "They clap because they are programmed to, but deep inside their brains they are fantasizing about ripping the winning whore's head off with their bare teeth. They never go through with it. "But thankfully, a losing drag queen at the Miss Brazil Gay 2009 pageant had the balls (literally) to do it." Watch Miss Brazil Gay 2009 Ava Simoes lose her crown on the video below.    

Credit: Daily News Staff

First published: Sunday, 22nd November 2009 - 10:54am

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