HIV diagnosis levels for gay and bi men appear to be continuing at the high levels established in recent years, according to just-released 6-monthly data from Otago Medical School. An estimated 41* men who have sex with men were diagnosed with the debilitating disease in the first six months of this year, a level within the range of figures for the same six months of recent years since the surge in new infections in 2003. The equivalent figures were, for last year 46 and for 2007, 44. Gay and bi men continue to be in the majority of those diagnosed with HIV contracted locally, as has been the case since the emergence of HIV in New Zealand. A clearer picture will emerge when figures for the full 2009 year become available. Historically the second half of the calendar year has produced a slightly higher figure than for the start of the year. [*Note: These figures are's calculation, based on the number of men identified by Otago Medical School's AIDS Epidemiology Group as having sex with other men plus an estimated proportion of those men for whom no sexuality indication is given.]
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 14th November 2009 - 11:36pm