Choose the right options in new video game Dragon Age: Origins, and the "dark heroic fantasy" will take a gay turn. Players can go along with a flirty scene between man and elf. "I knew this would happen eventually, right from the moment you refused to kill me," remarks the elf after their sexy slow-motion scene in the R18 game. "I was raised to take my pleasures where they are found, for they do not come very often," the elf later admits. The scene has LGBT gaming website's seal of approval. "With this bare-chested and unflinching portrayal, it feels as if the depiction of gay sex in video games has reached a new level of equal treatment," notes the site's review of the game. "There's choreography, tenderness, humor and even an element of sexual politics to Zevran's post-coital conversation." Dragon Age: Origins' gay man-elf sex scene can be viewed below. Genitals are not shown but it still may not be 'worksafe'.
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Friday, 13th November 2009 - 8:35am