The crew behind February's last-ever Hero Party now say they won't be back next February with their 'Carnivale' event. Back in August, they announced a special 'entertainment extravaganza' for Saturday 20 February, but they now say there's so many other festivals and events targeted at Auckland's LGBT communities that another one is no longer needed. "There's a huge amount of things happening, and it's great to see the calendar for 2010 is filling up," spokesperson Richy James says. "We've decided to put our event off, and concentrate on supporting other events early next year." The party was to be a direct fundraiser for embattled LGBT phone support service OutlineNZ. Meanwhile, 2010 will see the premiere of several new LGBT-themed events and festivals for Auckland. The annual Big Gay Out picnic day will take place during 'OurFest', February's festival of gay events including a community awards night. On Wednesday 17 February, Atlantis Cruiseline will leave Auckland, carrying around 1,400 gay men with it. Bears and their friends are invited to Bear New Zealand week from Sunday 21 February, and the Aroha Festival will celebrate a variety of Pacifica cultures from Saturday 6 March. Then the Out and Loud Choral Festival will unite LGBT choirs from across Australasia at Easter.'s full guide to events so far confirmed for 2010 is here.
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Tuesday, 13th October 2009 - 7:28pm