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'Sexercise' keeps readers fit

Wed 30 Sep 2009 In: New Zealand Daily News View at NDHA

A straw poll of almost 300 readers has found that they are more likely to have regular sex as part of their fitness regimen than any other kinds of exercise. 292 people responded to our question 'What do you do regularly for exercise?', with the most common answers being 'Sex' (40%), 'Long walks' (36%) and 'Gym' (32%). A lethargic 23% answered 'Lifting food into my gob', while 'Jogging', 'Dancing', 'Playing sport', and fitness routines at home where less popular answers. Health experts say people should exercise for 30 minutes a day five times a week for real health benefits. A half-hour sex session burns around 70 calories, about the same as a 30-minute walk. Our next poll will check how vain our readers are. This fortnight, let us know how often you look in the mirror, with choices ranging from 'As often as I can' to 'I carry around a small mirror' to 'I avoid mirrors at all costs'. The poll is now open on the lower right-hand corner of's front page.    

Credit: Daily News Staff

First published: Wednesday, 30th September 2009 - 4:58pm

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