Tue 22 Sep 2009 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Auckland's new LGBT Festival next February will be called OurFest, it has just been announced, and its official logo can now be unveiled. "The whole idea behind OurFest is that it's a festival for anyone and everyone, no matter how they identify themselves," says organiser committee member Kent Phillips. "It's a festival you can take ownership of, knowing that is for you and everyone like you." OurFest's main goal is to enrich and encourage a community focus within the wider queer Auckland community, he adds. The Festival will be held within the month of February 2010, and will include the annual Big Gay Out in Point Chev's Coyle Park, along with new events. "Plans are well underway for an outstanding awards evening that will give everyone a chance to dress up in black-tie formal attire and enjoy a fantastic night celebrating some of the communities' achievers," reveals Phillips. More details will be confirmed in November, along with the nomination process where everyone gets to help choose the winners, promises the OurFest team. The new Festival's organising group, made up of Kent Phillips, Mike Brady, Steffan Braks, Hannah Rossiter and John Montgomery, would still like to hear from anyone who may be planning an event during February and would like to get involved with OurFest. The Festival's full calendar of events will be finalised in November. To contact the organizing group please email: glbtfestival2010@xtra.co.nz. Potential new sponsors are also welcome to get in touch, say the team. HOT DATES GayNZ.com keeps track of 2010's new events for Auckland's LGBT citizens - and what's happening across the ditch at Sydney Mardi Gras - with our guide to 2010's key dates so far: Across February: OurFest, with dates and events to be confirmed. Email enquiries to glbtfestival2010@xtra.co.nz Sun 14 February: Big Gay Out 2010, Popular annual LGBT picnic day, Coyle Park, Point Chevalier Sat 20 February: Carnivale Party, from the team behind this year's Hero Party, venue and more details to be announced Fri 26 February: Air New Zealand's Pink Flight (likely date - to be confirmed) Sat 27 February: Sydney's Mardi Gras Parade Sun 28 February: Sydney's Harbour Party Sat 6 March: Sydney's Mardi Gras Party, and at home the Aroha Festival Launch in Western Springs Park, followed by a variety of K' Road night clubs fundraising for GLBT causes through the evening/night Mon 8 - Wed 10 March: Aroha Festival continues with Japanese, Indonesian and Hawaiian events Thurs 11 March: Aroha Festival Takataapui Youth Event Fri 12 March: Aroha Festival show at Aotea Centre Sat 13 March: Pasifika Festival begins
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News Staff
First published: Tuesday, 22nd September 2009 - 10:47am