Sun 20 Sep 2009 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
K' Road's Naval pub have been winning the crayfish recently, which are then killed and cooked in the pub's kitchen. The Albion on Hobson Street and Northcote's The Backyard Bar also have 'Catcha Cray' machines. 'Catcha Cray': Cruel or cool? But lobby group Save Animals from Exploitation (SAFE) are campaigning for the machines to be removed, saying they "stress and torment" the animals. "Since research has demonstrated that crustaceans are stressed by repeated handling, these machines are designed to cause needless stress which is unacceptable," says SAFE campaigner Mandy Carter. "Even more disturbing, people have reported witnessing the metal claws breaking the claws and legs of crays." SAFE's director Anthony Terry was escorted off the premises of The Albion Hotel be the manager after expressing concerns about the welfare of the crayfish recently. Meanwhile, Kingland's The Kingslander pub removed their 'Catcha Cray' machine after several customers complained. spoke to several punters at the Naval
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Sunday, 20th September 2009 - 10:39pm