The South African Olympic runner who won gold in the 2009 World Championships before being publicly quizzed about her gender is actually a hermaphrodite, claims an Australian newspaper. Gender test: Caster Semenya Caster Semenya, 18, has no womb or ovaries, says The Daily Telegraph, and has three times the amout of testosterone that a female normally has. The paper says a source close to medical testers investigating Semenya's gender has revealed the information. Depending on the outcome of the gender test, the athlete could lose her gold medal and be banned from competing again. Semenya has reacted to rumours about her gender in South Africa's You magazine, saying: "I don't give a damn what people say about me. I like me the way I am and who cares what other people say?"
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Friday, 11th September 2009 - 8:50am