Attending the Venice Film Festival, Hollywood actor George Clooney was surprised to see a man - wearing only a tie and boxer shorts - take to the microphone at a press conference and make a play for the star. George Clooney "I am gay, George," he clarified. "Take me, choose me George, please. May I kiss you, just once?" An amused Clooney smoothly responded: "It's hard when you take a big chance and it doesn't really work." TENNIS PLAY Meanwhile at the US Tennis Open, a male fan of hunky Spanish pro Rafael Nadal lunged at him courtside as security guards rushed to intervene. The man was arrested, but Nadal later explained: "For me it wasn't a problem. The guy was really nice. He was a great fan. He said, 'I love you,' and he kiss me." Video footage from both incidents are shown below - at 1:30" into the first clip, and 0:55" into the second.
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Thursday, 10th September 2009 - 8:20am