New Zealand's same-sex couples are most likely to argue about money, their ex's, alcohol use and issues with friends, readers have told us. 150 people responded to our question 'What causes you to argue with your partner?', with 42% answering 'money' as the most common cause of relationship strife. Arguments related to ex-partners was another common reply (32%), followed by 'alcohol' use (27%) and 'friends' (26%) in the self-selected, unscientific poll. Around 20% of the respondents argue about work and family issues, the survey also suggests. Our next poll tackles the topic of keeping fit. This fortnight, our readers can tell us how they get their exercise, with choices ranging from 'Jogging', 'Dancing' and 'Gym', through to simply 'Lifting food into my gob'. The poll is now open on thelower right-hand corner of's front page.
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Tuesday, 8th September 2009 - 12:35pm