Transgender icon and former MP Georgina Beyer will officially open Hamilton's 2009 Pride Week on Sunday 13 September, it has been revealed. Pride guest of honour: Georgina Beyer "She will give a speech especially for the festival launch at the Academy of Performing Arts at the University of Waikato," says Hamilton Pride Inc's Stefan Mutter. "Koumatua Te Hau Whenua Kirkwood will provide an opening blessing and Mayor Bob Sincock will speak to the Hamilton nature of our festival. The launch will also include a drag queen performance and a theatrical surprise from the Pride organisers." The complete schedule of events for this year's Hamilton Pride festival have been confirmed and posted on its official website, while a printed booklet will also feature the calendar of events, to be distributed through gay and LGBT-friendly venues around Hamilton. A scenic tramp in the Waikato region on Saturday 12 September will kick off the week's festivities. Amongst the busy week's events is a 'Stitch and Butch' crafts night, a Lesbian Quiz evening and a 'Casino Royale Games Night' at the Waikato Student Union Building. TACKLING THE ISSUES In addition to social events and parties, the Pride Week will also call attention to political issues affecting New Zealand's LGBT communities. Recent intense public discussion on the partial defence of Provocation - which has been used in trials involving gay victims many times - means Pride Week is an ideal time to screen the award-winning local short documentary on the topic, called An Ordinary Person, on Saturday 19 September. After the screening, the film's director Susan Potter, Human Rights Commissioner Joy Liddicoat and Andrea McBeth, lawyer and Diversity Liaison officer at the New Zealand Police, will take part in a panel discussion on the gay panic defence. Earlier that day, a workshop on Politics and Policies of Pride Parties will be given by local researcher Assoc. Professor Gordon Waitt, Assoc. Profession Lynda Johnston, and Hamilton pride Co-chair Geoff Rua'ine. The day will be rounded up by a comedy show and workshop by comedian Ann Speir from 5pm.
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Saturday, 29th August 2009 - 4:26pm