A tiny Irish village is 'going gay' for a day in what may be the smallest gay pride event in the world. The coastal hamlet of Easkey in County Sligo, which has just two shops, two pubs, two butchers, a post office and a population of 250, is urging heterosexual residents to "go gay" as an act of solidarity. Organiser Denise Clarke, a 48-year-old lesbian interior designer and artist who has lived in Easkey for 10 years admits that when she first moved to Easkey "people were afraid of the new lesbian in town.... One woman even rang around the local farmers to warn them that their wives could be in danger... but an event like this today helps dispel those myths and brings the townfolk together." Village store manager Michael Gordon said: "Gay people are the same as every body else." He has lived in Easkey all his life, helped rebuild two churches in the area and knows everyone in the town. "Ireland is a tolerant place now, thank God," he said. "Rural Ireland has grown up." Ref: The Observer
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 9th August 2009 - 11:00pm