Despite banning the Milk movie several months ago, British comedy film Lesbian Vampire Killers has been approved by Samoa's Principal Censor, despite it containing nudity, violence and girl-on-girl love scenes. Lesbian Vampire Killers: "Not necessarily about lesbians" Principal Censor Lei'ataua Niuapu Fa'aui explained the decision to the Samoa Observer, claiming that the film wasn't necessarily about lesbians. "It's about a legend and all the vampires are female, that's why it says lesbians (in the title). "In regards to sex (scenes), (they are) not really explicit, according to my conscience it's suitable for (people) 21 and over," he added. The decision has come as a shock to DVD store owners around Samoa, reports the newspaper. "The censors are always blocking movies, so it's strange that they didn't block this one," said one DVD store owner. In light of the latest decision, Fa'aui was again quizzed about the banning of gay-themed movie Milk from Samoa. "It didn't fit the criteria," the censor responded. The trailer for Lesbian Vampire Killers is shown below.
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Friday, 17th July 2009 - 3:00pm