The latest international Spartacus guidebook puts Auckland in the top 20 cities ranked by number of gay businesses per million of population. Spartacus guide: Auckland's a big gay little city The number-crunching was done by Gay Times magazine for a recent travel edition. Rome tops the list of "the best cities in the world to be gay in", with other European cities Amsterdam, Prague, Antwerp and Zurich rounding out the top five. Auckland comes in at number 15, the only Kiwi city on the list. Sydney is a few ranks lower, and Melbourne comes in at number 40. Now in its 38th annual edition, the Spartacus guide lists gay-owned venues, hotels and information/support networks in every country of the world. The guide describes Auckland as "a clean, modern city with excellent restaurant, hotel and tourist services. The inner city suburbs of Ponsonby, Grey Lynn, Mt. Eden and Parnell have significant gay populations."
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 24th June 2009 - 8:55am