Beleaguered gay British media celebrity Michael Barrymore looks set to weather more public vitriol after video footage has emerged showing him mocking frumpy Britain's Got Talent contestant Susan Boyle. Boyle's combination of frumpy looks and sweet soaring voice has captured the hearts of millions around the world, but an amateur video of an audition for Barrymore's 1994 My Kind of People TV series shows Barrymore making faces and slithering around the floor trying to look up her dress. Barrymore's stellar career as a comedian and TV variety entertainer hit the skids when a young man was found dead in the star's swimming pool. Barrymore was never charged, and UK police later admitted they bungled the evidence. Barrymore retreated for a time to New Zealand to live with his Kiwi partner but has now returned to Britain and has recently started to quietly resurrect his career.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 29th April 2009 - 8:32pm