Gay UK wit Stephen Fry wonders why LGBT people can't come up with a new word for their committed couples, in places where same-sex marriage is still banned. "Will you yoke with me?": Stephen Fry "If people want to reserve marriage for a man-woman thing then fine, call it something else," he said from California, reports "A bonding, a uniting, a legal yoking - that's fine. Yoking is a lovely word. Yoked together…" Fry has been coupled up with his partner Daniel Cohen for over a decade. Gay marriage is still a hot topic in California, where the anti-LGBT marriage Proposition 8's passage is being challenges in court. Meanwhile, the states of Connecticut and Massachusetts currently allow same-sex marriage, with Iowa and Vermont joining them later this year.
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 22nd April 2009 - 12:11pm