Virulent anti-gay rights campaigner and convicted child molester Graham Capill is understood to be about to make another bid for early release from prison. Sentenced: Capill in 2005 (photo: Sunday Star-Times) Capill, a Christian pastor who was one of the strongest religious voices railing against homosexuality during the campaigns for inclusion of homosexuality in ultimately successful human rights and anti-discrimination legislation, was subsequently convicted in 2005 of raping three girls aged between 5 and 11 years. He was jailed for nine years. This followed years of obsessive 'pro-family, pro-morals' campaigning against homosexuality, particularly whilst heading the Christian Heritage political party. Capill's first plea for early release last June was unsuccessful, with the parole board believing he still posed a risk to the community.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 20th April 2009 - 6:29pm