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Teacher suspended for sexy story of pupils

Wed 15 Apr 2009 In: International News View at Wayback

A teacher in West Yorkshire, UK, who wrote erotic stories about her students has been suspended from the school - but her class is defending her. Leonora Rustamova, known to her students as Miss Rusty, wrote a self-published anthology entitled Stop! Don't Read This! in order to get her class more interested in reading. Featuring five real students at Calder High School, the stories included pupils skipping class, swearing, setting themselves on fire, stealing phones and having sex, reports the PinkPaper. In one story she described two sunbathing boys as like "gorgeous Mr Gay UK finalists" and details another lusting for her. Later in the story she describes "orgasmic moans" which sound like "the soundtrack to teenage gay porn." "It's getting harder and harder to see them just as kids," she wrote. Her students have rallied around her. More than 250 youngsters walked out of lessons last week holding banners and chanting slogans in protest at her suspension. Student Travis Downs, who was featured in one of the stories, told The Guardian: "A lot of books we are asked to read just don't seem relevant. So when our teacher asked us what would make us more likely to read a novel, we said one that has us in it. "We asked her to write the book and helped make it as realistic as possible."    

Credit: Daily News Staff

First published: Wednesday, 15th April 2009 - 9:58am

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