Tue 14 Apr 2009 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
All homosexuals should be stoned to death, a Muslim preacher has told a press conference in London. Hate speech: Anjem Choudary (centre) with two of his cohorts Anjem Choudary, who wants to see Britain ruled by Sharia law, said such a regime was the only way to fix the nation's ills, reports LGBT Bangladesh reporters. "If a man likes another man, it can happen, but if you go on to fulfil your desire, if it is proved, then there is a punishment to follow. You don't stone to death unless there are four eyewitnesses. It is a very stringent procedure. "There are some people who are attracted to donkeys but that does not mean it is right." Choudary's statement has lead to a police investigation into his activities. British Conservative MP Patrick Mercer describes the statements as "inciting hatred and encouraging terrorism". "I would encourage the Metropolitan Police to investigate them as rigorously as possible," he said.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News Staff
First published: Tuesday, 14th April 2009 - 10:24am