Sat 21 Mar 2009 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Two men are on trial in London after one of their ex-boyfriends was doused with kerosene and set on fire. Set on fire: Charlie Davies Charlie Davies, 23, died 12 days later in hospital. His ex-lover, Nadim Kurrimbukus, 25, and a second man, Yusuf Dulloo, 27, are charged with murder. A neighbour testified that she heard screams and saw Davies stumbling down his driveway "engulfed in a big ball of fire". The prosecution claims that Davies was murdered by Kurrimbukus in revenge for the break-up of their two-year relationship. Prosecutor Victor Temple told the court that Kurrimbukus "was of the mind if he was not going to have Charlie Davies nobody else was going to have Charlie Davies."
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Saturday, 21st March 2009 - 12:26pm