Local LGBT and student advocacy networks are pledging their support for New Zealand's first Pink Shirt Day tomorrow, creating awareness of the problem of bullying in Kiwi schools. The NZ AIDS Foundation, Family Planning NZ and the Intersex Trust Aotearoa NZ are joining LGBT student safety network Safe Schools 4 Queers and teacher unions NZEI Te Riu Roa and PPTA Te Wehengarua to get behind the movement. Wearing a pink shirt tomorrow is a way for the community to stand up and show that bullying is not okay, local Pink Shirt organiser Hanna Ho tells GayNZ.com. Last year an escalation of physical violence and emotional bullying in New Zealand schools sparked a major investigation by the children's commissioner, Cindy Kiro, amid increasing concerns about pupil safety. Recent events reported in our papers have ranged from students being beaten unconscious, students suffering injuries requiring hospitalisation, students being humiliated on the internet and bullied via text message, to sudden and tragic deaths of victims. "These are just the incidents that have reached the press – the 1/10th of the iceberg that is visible above the water," says Ho. "More must be done to stop this physical and emotional violence and make our schools safe for all of our young people to learn in. One way we can do this is for the community to stand up and show that bullying is not OK. Schools cannot solve these problems alone. "Bullying is a serious issue in New Zealand schools that will only grow if it is ignored." The first Pink Shirt Day took place in Canada, after a student was harassed with homophobic slurs for wearing a pink shirt to school. The movement now happens in several countries around the world. The Pink Shirt team urge GayNZ.com readers to wear something pink tomorrow Wednesday 25 February, to symbolize that bullying will not be tolerated anywhere.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News Staff
First published: Tuesday, 24th February 2009 - 1:12pm