Mr Club Ivy 2008: Jade Neale 19-year-old Jade Neale is now the face of Club Ivy, after winning a sexy pageant in front of a capacity crowd at the club on 13 December. We got to know the talented law and commerce student a little better... Congrats for winning Mr. Club Ivy! What did you have to do on stage to win, and what was the night like for you? Jade Neale: Well there were three sections of clothing that I had to go out in, Openwear, Clubwear and swimwear and they made me answer some randomly picked questions. I got the great question "top or bottom?" For openwear I was a really gay builder in denim short shorts I made, a tool belt, black singlet and hardhat. Also I thought it was really important to do my PR work so I worked the crowd and got the votes by talking to people too. If you can't imagine what my outfits look like you can see some really drunken photos of them in's scene pics. The first part of the night was great, I turned up from an ex friends (long story not for here) work drinks and the night just took off, the crowd was great and winning was awesome. I really didn't expect to win, I was about to walk out in registration when I saw some of the other contestants. But I stuck to it, with a little Dutch courage to be honest, and won which was amazing. What do you do for a job/study? I am a student at Victoria University of Wellington doing a double degree in Law and Commerce majoring in Management. What's your background, and where did you grew up? Well I was born right here in Wellington in 1989. Then I went to live with my fabulous grandparents for two years in Rotorua to which my mother moved up and I lived with her again for the remainder or my secondary education. My mother, her partner and I then moved back to Wellington. When did you come out as gay, and what was it like for you at the time? I came out to my mother and her partner first back at the start of this year when I got a partner, which didn't work out but I digress. It went really well, everyone has been really supportive and I met an amazing friend when I did Cats at the Opera House back in May who really helped my with everything, so thanks Jamie Burges, you're my Idol. What's your relationship status, and what kind of guys do you most admire? I am currently single, story of my life. I like guys who are honest, caring and really affectionate as we all do I guess. I really can't stand bitchyness in guys, it's such a turn off and there are too many out there. Looks wise I like a guy with a bit of muscle and a tan. But I take people on a case by case basis and don't really have a type that I go for as everyone has different qualities that I admire in different ways. What do you think are the most pressing issues currently facing the NZ's LGBT community? I think the community can be really bitchy at times which is quite an issue, it just makes the rest of us look bad. I'm not saying I'm perfect but some guys need to just chill out and have a good time instead of bringing people down, it sucks. What's your worst habit? I wouldn't really call it a habit, but when I eat I have to make sure my cutlery is perfectly aligned after I eat. I know it sounds stupid but after working in fine dining for three years I am really picky about dining. I think it could be a mild case of OCD. What's your biggest fear? Not entirely sure. Though it used to be being alone in a huge crowd of people, but I have got over that now. Also not a big fan of being alone in the dark. Your favourite music at the moment? It would have to be The Phantom of the Opera, all four versions that I have, yes it's sad but I just love it. Also I'm really into my Kylie CD I won in the contest. Most of my music is show tunes, classical, and opera so something different is great. Any books or magazines you're reading and recommending? I love GQ magazine, but on the book front, I don't really get a chance to read material I want to as I usually have my head in legal cases and management theory. Your favourite movies? Love the Phantom of the Opera of course, even though it is very different to the stage show. Chicago, The Pianist, Evita, Moulin Rouge and the Kath and Kim movie are also favourites of mine. I'm sure there are many more but this is what I can think of at the moment. Your favourite TV programmes? Kath and Kim, Little Britain, Black Books, Spongebob Squarepants, Family Guy and The Simpsons. Your favourite websites? Facebook, and If you could have one wish granted what would it be? To be the richest man in the world. That would be great because money is power these days. Who are your LGBT heroes? Anthony Warlow is my Idol but he is not gay but he is the most amazing performer. What's coming up in the near future for you? I will be heading back to university for another four years at the least. Also I will be working on my voice with my vocal coach and then hope to be in a place to audition for the Opera Chorus in November 09. Also I guess I will be doing a lot of work with the gay events coming up as my responsibilities as Mr. Club Ivy, or so I have been told. - 22nd December 2008