At 11am on Sunday 7 December – wet or fine – a new LGBT Gardening Group is being launched with a garden tour and barbeque in a large secluded garden just north of Wellington. As well as providing a programme of social events and an opportunity for GLBTTFI gardeners to meet each other, the group can provide a forum for exchanging knowledge, ideas, plants, cuttings and energy, say its facilitators. David Mulholland says the group is for gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, takataapui, transgender, fa'afafine and intersex people of all ages who have an interest in gardening, and their friends and partners. "Some activities already organised include visits to members' gardens, participation in other events of interest to gardeners, a stall at the Wellington Gay and Lesbian Fair and visits to public gardens and garden centres," he explains. He hopes the group may one day organise an event to rival Auckland's Heroic Gardens. The new group will build on previous work that Greg, Des and John did in establishing Wellington's 3Gs group, and has their support as its successor. "If you'd like to join the group, please RSVP to, and bring gumboots and food to share. If it's hot and you like swimming in cold creeks, bring togs too."
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Thursday, 27th November 2008 - 1:55pm