Australian gay and lesbians couples are a large step closer to equality this week as the senate has approved several measures to recognize their relationships. The definition of a 'de facto' relationship has been expanded to include same-sex couples, and new laws will guarantee equality in tax, social security, health, aged care, employment and superannuation entitlements. "Same-sex couples and families are witnessing the tearing up and rewriting of almost all Commonwealth law to finally recognise the truth that all love is equal and nurturing all relationships, regardless of the gender of partners, is important," says New South Wales' Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby spokesperson Peter Johnson. The Australian government has still not moved on same-sex marriage or Civil Unions however, but LGBT lobyists are remaining hopeful and will continue to campaign on the issue. Further information on the Australian law changes is available on the links below.
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 26th November 2008 - 2:52pm