The second Asia Pacific Outgames, planned for Wellington in March 2011, came a step closer on Saturday with the visit to New Zealand of members of GLISA AP, the Gay and Lesbian International Sports Association. Overseas visitors, including Nick Ward (centre) visit Te Papa with Wellington2011 organisers The regional Outgames will attract participants from throughout Asia and the Pacific for a week of sporting competitions, a human rights conference, and a wide variety of entertainment and cultural events. It looks set to be the biggest event the city's gay and lesbian community has ever organised. The overseas visitors looked in on some proposed venues, including Te Papa, the national museum, and also met with Mayor Kerry Prendergast and key officials from regional and national tourism bodies. "GLISA Asia Pacific has been impressed with this magnificent city and the preliminary plans for what will undoubtedly be a ground breaking event," said Nick Ward, Chair of the Host Relations Committee of GLISA Asia Pacific. "We are now progressing quickly toward the signing of the official licence agreement with Wellington 2011." The overseas visitors included Peter Sagar and Loraine Little, the co-chairs on the first Asia Pacific Outgames which were held in Melbourne earlier this year, and which attracted over 1000 participants from 21 countries. "This weekend has provided a valuable opportunity for the experience built in Melbourne to be passed on to the next hosts, and it was great to see so much achieved in such a short time," said Ward. The GLISA representatives also got to meet local gays and lesbians at a Friday night function hosted by Rainbow Wellington.
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Monday, 17th November 2008 - 1:26pm