Expression, energy of people volunteer each year to be part of the pageant, but only those with strong resources and a support network can really go on and build a great performance piece, David believes. "There are always so many thank yous to be sent out afterwards. We all give up so many hours – a punter would have no idea how long it takes to piece together." The first preparation meetings took place in March, and rehearsals started in September. David as Miss England in 2005 "I've had stressed 5am wake-ups, thinking 'how can I achieve that?' months before the show. You always start with a great big concept, but a few weeks out, you think – 'I gotta cut that, cut that, cut that', and start to be realistic. Unless you have pots of money, you just have to go with the best you can make happen." So what keeps David coming back and making the effort each year? "Well, apart from the cause (the Queen of the Whole Universe raises money for local HIV-fighting charities), I guess we all have that theatrical bone in us. It's a release for our creativity. Give a girl a stage and she's off! "There's also the camaraderie," he adds. "We can bitch and moan in rehearsals, slap each other around and it doesn't hurt… we just laugh. It's just good old camp fun." The fifth Queen of the Whole Universe will be crowned this Saturday 15 November at Auckland's Aotea Centre. Booking details are linked below. Matt Akersten - 9th November 2008