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"LGBT citizens not welcome in Auckland"

Sat 8 Nov 2008 In: New Zealand Daily News

An Auckland City Council decision this week not to specifically include LGBT people as part of its 'partnerships' processes has angered an openly-gay politician. "Gays and Lesbians are no longer welcome at Council - it's official," says Christopher Dempsey, Chair of the Eden Albert Community Board. "As history is made when an African-American Presidential-Elect can say, without fear or embarrassment, without hate, the words gay and lesbian, and in doing so, shine a light so bright into the future for us all, here in Tamaki Auckland, the Citizens and Ratepayers dominated Council steps firmly backwards," says Dempsey. On Wednesday, Auckland City Council specifically removed GLBTT groups as a sector of the community that Council should partner with in order to achieve strong and healthy communities, he explains. "I am not surprised at this, after all David Hay, the Deputy Mayor, is well known for his homophobic views." City Vision Councillor Richard Northey proposed that GLBTT groups be recognised, however his proposal was voted down by the ruling Citizens and Ratepayers block, which includes Hay. "GLBTT people are citizens too, living their lives in Tamaki Auckland, a fabulous city. They too deserve respect from Council. Shame on the Cits'n'Rats," Dempsey concludes. An Auckland City LGBT Partnerships Committee was set up under former Mayor Dick Hubbard's tenure, but since a more conservative, cost-cutting Council was elected last year, steps to specifically include gay, lesbian and transgender Aucklanders in Council's decision-making processes have been sidetracked. Last month Council scrapped an annual LGBT forum which enables our communities to have their say in the Council's budget process.    

Credit: Daily News Staff

First published: Saturday, 8th November 2008 - 2:31pm

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