The coathangers are rattling. Is a sexy Hollywood secret about to be revealed? Movie actor Mitchell Green is hitting the big time – but can he keep his man-loving double life secret? Luckily, his uber-agent Diane – a piranha in Blahniks – is trying her damnedest to shield him from scandal. At the Silo: Little Dog's Auckland cast Douglas Carter Beane's voyeuristic new comedy The Little Dog Laughed was the toast of New York when it premièred there last year, so Kiwi theatre producers wasted no time bringing it to our shores. It begins in Auckland's Silo (now located in The Edge's Herald Theatre) this week, and Wellington's Downstage Theatre next month. The Silo Theatre's founder Shane Bosher is directing the production in Auckland. "I read a lot of plays, but when I picked up this script, I laughed out loud so much," he tells "That doesn't often happen. I usually think outside of it, thinking 'oh the audience will find that amusing' or 'they'll like that part'. But the voice in this play is very sharp and so lacerating. It's a similar sort of wit as Will