Fri 3 Oct 2008 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
This week's Hamilton Pride events have so-far been as successful as last year, says the Waikato's best-known drag icon, but now the countdown is on to the main event – the Shine Dance Party tomorrow night. Hamilton Party: Shine nightclub's poster for tomorrow night Miss Gloriousole – AKA Dennis Ralph – says the second annual Pride Week is building on last year's première event. "Pride Week is now an incorporated society, which is a step in the right direction that allows it to create links with community organisations and businesses here easily." Around 50 people attended the Hamilton Pride Week launch night screening of Christchurch gay history documentary Through Rainbow Coloured Glasses on Saturday night. Since then, a tramping day, movie night, quiz night, karaoke event and political forum have all brought the region's LGBT people together, says Ralph. "Hamilton's always had a gay community, but most of them aren't very 'public'," he explains. "But whenever a big issue or event comes up, we always know we can rally around and get things done." A soak on the Hot Pools at Hillcrest is planned for tomorrow, before the Shine nightclub Dance Party begins at 9pm. Drag divas along with the NZ AIDS Foundation's Safe Sex Poster Boys will appear. When asked if Miss Gloriousole had chosen an outfit yet, she replied: "Several!"
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Friday, 3rd October 2008 - 3:09pm