Thu 25 Sep 2008 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
After one year of fortnightly events on K' Road, popular Auckland alternative clubbing night Sohomo will celebrate its first birthday with a popular Australian DJ troupe, and has regular plans for Wellington event nights. Celebrating: Aussie troupe Bang Gang Deejays "We've gone all out on this one, in an effort to make it absolutely epic," says promoter Paul Phillips of the birthday event, planned for Friday 17 October. Popular Australian DJ troupe Bang Gang Deejays will visit from their regular Sydney clubbing night and will play tracks from their latest CD release. Christchurch four piece band Bang!Bang!Eche will also appear, in their last New Zealand show before they move to New York to play at the prestigious CMJ music festival and begin a new record contract. Following a successful Sohomo night at Wellington back in June, Phillips has announced the avant-garde night will now visit Wellington four times a year. The next date planned in the capital is Saturday 1 November for a Homo Horrors Halloween-themed party. Tickets for Sohomo's first birthday night are now available for $20 at Real Groovy and Fast
Credit: Daily News Staff
First published: Thursday, 25th September 2008 - 9:01am