Veteran takataapui entertainer Mika has a guest role on TV2's Shortland Street this week. Set for Shortland Street: Mika Mika has promised the show's producers he'll keep quiet on what his character gets up to on the nightly drama, but is allowed to reveal his character is named Eva Destruction, and will appear on tonight, tomorrow and Thursday evening's shows. It's not the first time an openly-gay actor has appeared on Shortland Street – in fact, most Kiwi actors have been seen on the long-running show either as a cast regular or guest role. The programme currently has a lesbian nurse and an asexual receptionist as regular characters. Meanwhile, Mika's 13-part TV variety show Mika Live is now broadcasting on Auckland and web-based music channel AltTV.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Tuesday, 2nd September 2008 - 1:05pm