Two young wrestlers from Nebraska, including a former championship winner, have been dismissed from their team after posing naked for videos and photos on a gay porn website. Posed nude: Paul Donahoe Paul Donahoe and Kenny Jordan were let go last week, three days after a blog posted images of them taken from, a site featuring naked or partially clothed male athletes, reports the Associated Press. "I want to personally apologize for any embarrassment that may have been caused for our athletic department, the university and our fans," coach Mark Manning said in a statement. "The history of behaviour of these men, including the current matter, does not reflect the standard of excellence we aspire to on and off the mat." John Marsh, who operates and two related sites, said he's spoken with Donahoe and Jordan and that both indicated they want to continue as college wrestlers. He said Donahoe was a "dynamite" wrestler. "If Nebraska is going to be pigheaded and kick him off unreasonably," Marsh said, "there has to be another wrestling program that's going to want him." Marsh says the guys were paid well for their photo shoots, and that the current generation of young men "don't care" about being shown nude on websites. "They've come from a Paris Hilton, Tommy Lee-Pamela Anderson sex tape generation, Myspace pages. The shame and stigma aren't there for them. They're mostly worried about what their parents are going to think, because their parents think it's horrifying."