An expert witness in the Anti Discrimination Tribunal regarding gay blood donation in Tasmania claims that blood over 14 days old is far more dangerous than blood from gay donors, reports As the tribunal hearing for Michael Cain, who seeks to have the Australian Red Cross' ban on gay men donating blood lifted having been rejected as a donor in October 2004, continues, Dr Scott Halpern, bio-ethicist and epidemiologist at Pennsylvania University, said that the mortality rate for using older blood could be as high as one in 100. According to the Red Cross' figures, 13% of blood available for transfusion in Australia is over 14 days old. Blood from gay men who practice safe sex is much safer by comparison, Dr Halpern said. Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group spokesperson, Rodney Croome, asked: "Why is the Red Cross obsessed with stopping these men donating but indifferent to the very high risk of death faced by every 100th patient who receives old blood?" This story continues on PinkNews at the link below.