Gay men considering adult circumcision to reduce the risk of HIV infection could end up being bottoms, suffer sexual dysfunction, and gain no benefit at all, new Australian research suggests. A survey of around 1000 gay men, two-thirds of whom were circumcised, were asked whether circumcision had an impact on sexual performance or condom usage during anal sex. "Our main finding is that, circumcised or not, gay men are just as likely to use condoms," Mao told the Sydney Star Observer. The study also showed that gay men who were circumcised at infancy didn't report having some kind of negative or positive impact on sexual dysfunction, but nearly all men circumcised after infancy reported some sexual dysfunction – including erectile problems or premature ejaculation. More on this story is on the link below.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Thursday, 14th August 2008 - 11:25am