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McLeod: To be gay is to be unattractive

Sun 20 Jul 2008 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback

Homophobic national newspaper columnist Rosemary Mcleod has today told her readers that to be gay is to be unattractive. In her Sunday Star Times column today Mcleod lists forty things that make men unattractive. Included with "herpes", "bad breath and body odour," and "spitting in the street" is "being gay." McLeod has in the past criticised the presence of gays and lesbians in the corridors of political power and gay sperm donors to lesbian couples. "Future generations will rejoice at being the turkey baster products of gay men and women who never had emotional ties," she wrote. She has also denounced childless gay men for being involved in drafting legislation which affects families. An a 2005 column titled Meddling with gay abandon, McLeod observed that "people resent a Government they see as being heavily influenced by gays making laws about parenting." Labour MP Tim Barnett has come in for particular attack, and her reporting on the funeral of Wellington youth Jeff Whittington who was killed by two men because he was thought to be gay, was variously denounced as "sneering," and the product of a "nasty mouth."    

Credit: Daily News Staff

First published: Sunday, 20th July 2008 - 11:52pm

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