A newspaper report from Dannevirke featuring a comment which equates gay men with paedophiles has angered the manager of a nationwide LGBT support service. In a meeting of Dannevirke residents who oppose plans for a brothel opening in the small town's main street, the president of the Tararua chapter of the Full Gospel Business Men's fellowship - a religious group – reacted specifically to a plan by the brothel to offer a gay service. According to the Manawatu Standard, Garth Taylor announced: "Most paedophiles are homosexuals, and you know we don't want to bring that here." "This is shocking," reacts Lesley Balcham, General Manager of LGBT support network OUTline. "I am outraged that this comment was even printed. "We here at OUTLine exist to fight against misconceptions like this. It is a common myth that most paedophiles are homosexuals. The portrayal found here only reinforces the misconceptions, prejudice and barriers that we the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and takataapui community face. "Our service provides education to the broader community on healthy relationships and lifestyles. One of our objectives is to help break down these misconceptions to build a harmonious society based on understanding and acceptance." The resource consent hearing for Dannevirke's brothel is next Wednesday. Another concerned resident, who describes herself as a feminist, threatened to wait outside and take personal note of all patrons of the future brothel if it opened for business.