The Gay Auckland Business Association has made a surprise announcement about their Annual General Meeting next week - Prime Minister Helen Clark will be there to speak and answer questions. Fronting up: Helen Clark at February's Big Gay Out, pictured with Steven Oates "We're delighted that the Prime Minister's office was able to squeeze us in to what I imagine must be a rather manic diary," says GABA President Mark Thomas. The Prime Minister is scheduled to talk for about twenty minutes, and then will answer GABA members' questions from the floor, followed by some mixing and mingling with the crowd. The long-running Auckland gay and lesbian business networking group have in the past invited political leaders to speak together at a GABA-sponsored Forum in the run-up to General Elections, but this year will be a little different: "We decided that for this election we'd invite all the main leaders to events individually, to make it a bit more up close and personal and less politically charged than having them all at the same event. "We are in the process of inviting all the main leaders, and will announce each as they confirm." Helen Clark will be speaking at GABA's Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 2 July from 5:30pm, upstairs at The Crest Hotel, corner K' Road and Pitt Street. For more information, email