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The Art of Lesbian Television Viewing

Mon 23 Jun 2008 In: Television View at Wayback View at NDHA

Forget Cold Case, here's Mariska Hargitay! The joys of watching television are many-fold for the lesbian viewer. It involves analysis, agonising decisions, and lustful thoughts, when deciding what to spend precious time gazing at. For this viewer a simple solution has been devised, which excludes the intellect and engages other parts of the brain, the part that is beyond our understanding – sexual attraction. For weeks I've been watching Cold Case on TV 1 on the grounds that I think Lilly Rush (Kathyryn Morris) is quite nice, but then lo and behold TV3 put SVU on at the same time, which stars Mariska Hargitay. Oh dear, bugger the story line, Mariska captures me every time, so bye-bye Cold Case. But what of the other programmes? For many years I've been a devoted fan of Emmerdale, mainly because of Zoe Tate (Leah Bracknell) the resident village lesbian. Zoe Tate (left) was hitched to Emma Nightingale - but later she went nuts   

Credit: Doreen Agassiz-Suddens

First published: Monday, 23rd June 2008 - 8:46pm

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