For the first time, a lesbian will be running the Auckland-based national LGBT telephone support counseling network OUTLine NZ, as past Chair Lesley Balcham has today been announced as the new General Manager. Call waiting: Lesley Balcham Belcham has tertiary qualifications in business studies and gained experience in the not-for- profit sector through working with World Vision. OUTLine's previous General Manager Neil Denney left in May after twenty months in the role. The organisation's fill-in manager Richard Galloway says Belcham's networks in the lesbian community will be an advantage in extending OUTLine's services. Last week's Annual General Meeting has also meant the election of a new OUTLine Board of Management. Teaming up with Belcham is the new Chairman, Alhazmi Shea, who was a member of the last Board. Shea brings a background in managing international companies, and he also has international NGO experience. Also moving up from being a Board member to office holder is Tom Hamilton who becomes the Secretary. Hamilton is the Genderbridge representative on the Board, keeping the link with the transgender community. Stalwart Peter Martin was persuaded to stay on as Treasurer, as was Sharon Kitching. New members elected last Monday evening were Martin Fraser, Vaughan Meneses and Richard Howard. "With the OUTLine NZ focus now on providing a national telephone counselling service as well as the HIV/AIDS Hotline and the 0800 Genderbridge services, the new team will be busy - so please provide your support," says Galloway.