The Pumphouse Theatre on Auckland's north shore is bringing camp musical comedy The Producers to their stage for the next two weeks. The story involves scheming theatrical producer Max Bialystock and his mousy accountant Leo Bloom, who have hit upon the perfect plan to embezzle a fortune: raise far more money than you need to produce a sure-fire Broadway flop and then - since no one will expect anything back - Max and Leo pocket the difference. To do this, they need the ultimate bad show, which they find in the musical Springtime for Hitler: A Gay Romp with Adolf and Eva at Berchtesgaden, written by neo-Nazi playwright Franz Liebkind, and to be directed by the flamboyantly gay Roger De Bris - "the worst director in New York". The show has been presented successfully in cities throughout the world, including Christchurch earlier this year, and was filmed for cinema release in 2005. The Producers is on stage at The Pumphouse Theatre in Takapuna until Saturday 14 June. The official trailer for the movie version is shown below.