10PM: "Body Positive House is the human heart of the city, and long may it make sure there is a name and a place for everyone with HIV," proclaimed the Hon. Judith Tizard tonight moments before she cut the ribbon and entered the new, expanded Body Positive House. "This is an organisation that has provided an enormous amount of support, work and services, so that HIV positive people don't feel afraid," Tizard, who is MP for Auckland Central, said. Body Positive CEO Bruce Kilmister welcomed almost 100 people to tonight's event, a block from Auckland's K' Road, where the HIV counselling and support centre had been expanded to triple its previous size and redecorated with a new lounge area. Kilmister mentioned the growing demand for Body Positive's services recently, and the need to create more drop-in space. He was thanked for his hard work several times during the ceremony but he took the opportunity to acknowledge that the generous support of a large number of organisations and volunteers was an enormous, and ongoing help. National's associate spokesperson for health, Dr Jackie Blue MP, also spoke, saying she was in awe of what Body Positive achieves. "You're looking after a group of people in need, with support and a place that's like a family network." Body Positive chairperson Berend Westera told his personal story of being diagnosed ten years ago and being given only two to four years to live. "I didn't know how to deal with it. I was depressed. I felt unclean. Body Positive was like a shining beacon for me." Yesterdays' passing of drag sister Bambi Slut, who was a member of Body Positive, was acknowledged, as many of her friends were in the crowd. Bruce Kilmister concluded the speeches by reminding attendees "we need your support to make us even better." Reverend Barry Jones of the Pitt Street Methodist Church blessed the building, and Tizard cut the ribbon, and letting several dozen people in from the dark chilly Autumn night, and into a large and welcoming new centre, where they enjoyed finger food and a few drinks.