Fri 30 May 2008 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
12.30PM: Darren Taylor, well-known for many years in Auckland's gay community as drag entertainer Bambi Slut, lost his long battle with illness yesterday, dying peacefully in Hawkes Bay Regional Hospital. Darren Taylor as the unforgettable Bambi Slut Taylor's family was with him in Napier during his last months, and his many friends travelled regularly to his family home to visit him. Arrangements have been made for his Tangi, to be held at Tangoio Marae this Sunday at 11am, and a special goodbye event in Auckland's St. Matthew in the City church will follow as soon as is possible. Karen Ritchie, trustee of the Cartier Bereavement Charitable Trust - a charity which helps with funding funerals for those lost to HIV-related illnesses - says she was saddened to hear of the loss of a good friend. "Cartier plan to assist with funding for the events to remember Bambi. We will make sure she gets the send-off she deserves," Ritchie promises. A special night of drag entertainment to honour Bambi raised almost $5,000 back in April, shortly after Taylor left hospital care in Auckland. A montage of photos of Darren and Bambi were shown on video screens at the event, showcasing numerous unforgettable nights with many drag diva friends over the years. Darren Taylor's full obituary will appear on this evening.