A 28-year old gay Florida man has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for the murder of a 45-year old trucker he met in a West Palm Beach gay club in 2003. Eulis "Robbie" Campbell was well known in West Palm Beach's gay community as a drag artist, performing under the stage name Madeline Monroe and impersonating Marilyn Monroe, Liza Minnelli and Madonna, reports 365gay.com. Campbell met Farook Baksh at H.G. Roosters, a West Palm Beach gay club and the two went to Baksh's apartment, when Baksh's wife of twenty years was not at home. The two men allegedly had sex in the apartment, and Baksh was then stabbed and a fire was set in the apartment to cover up the killing. His body was found by firefighters. This week in court, Campbell pleaded guilty to stabbing Baksh 56 times. By accepting a plea he will receive credit for time already served, bringing his sentence down to about 31 years. But it is likely Campbell will die in prison, his lawyer said. Shari Vrod said that Campbell is in poor health as a result of HIV and that his doctors expect him to live only about seven more years. More on this story is on the link below.