What do computer desks, cafes and bad traffic have in common? They are all where we spend so much of our time in sedentary pursuits. Although hours of working can burn some of our excess energy, physical exercise with help rejuvenate the body and mind. The importance of exercise is nothing new. It is one of the most important facets of our jet-setting city lives. Exercise, such as walking, swimming and jogging are easy ways to boost your health and then the subtler benefits of exercise - greater self-confidence. There are many ways to get healthy – join a gym, head on to the tennis court, hit the road jogging or even take the occasional hike. The Ponsonby Heroes are calling on you to join them getting and staying healthy and fit on an informal and social level. During the rugby season, we have ad-hoc training sessions, we discuss our game plans and occasionally our lives, loves and tribulations. Our games on Saturdays last for approximately 60 – 80 minutes with a rest period in between. This is a great, outdoor cardio workout with like-minded guys. The 2004 season ended on an amazing high for the Heroes when they beat the visiting Brisbane Hustlers in the inaugural BG Williams cup and being named the Brett Sheppard Sport Team of the Year by GABA. The goal is to continue this high for the 2005 season with the support of the community and recruiting new players. There is talk of a Trans-Tasman Gay Tri-Nations between the Heroes, Brisbane Hustlers and Sydney Convicts. If sponsorship were efficient for 2005, the Heroes would like to take 15 players on an offshore tour to play against another gay team. This will be good preparation for the 2006 Bingham Cup - the Gay Rugby World Cup. Don't become overwhelmed by feeling that you have to commit a lot of time to the Heroes. Is exercise or just thinking about it getting in the way of other things such as your friendships or relationship? Do you feel overwhelmed with guilt when you skip your daily exercise routine? Are you counting calories when you eat? If the answer to these questions is yes, you might want to consider joining the Heroes. This will be a healthy choice for your body and mind. For more details on joining the Heroes or becoming a supporter and being added on our mailing list, email me at seanaucamp@xtra.co.nz. As Thomas Jefferson once wrote: "A strong body makes the mind strong." [- Sean Aucamp is a member of the Ponsonby Heroes gay rugby team based in Auckland] Sean Aucamp - 1st February 2005