Only in it for the money: Kenny best customer gets fucked to death. Events get bawdier and bawdier as the duo get drawn deeper and deeper into a murder mystery that they hope will lead to finding a bed full of cash. Kenny's true sexuality - and his gigantic '2 Red Bull can' appendage - is discovered and used to their full advantage. It's a murder mystery comedy, and you can tell the writer/director loved the gangster classics Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch, because we get a similarly paced and played-out adventure, which tries hard to be as slick as them and doesn't quite get there, but still provides a few slick set-pieces and several witty one-liners. Many of the characters and situations in the movie (yes, even the Desperate Dwarf) are based on real life experiences on London's gay scene - but we trust the body count isn't quite so high in real life! While most of the characters - Donkey-dick Dark and Dick-cheese Deepak being good examples - are cartoonish, I think many gay guys will be intrigued with Byron, an obviously gay man who doesn't himself any same-sex experiences beyond 'blow jobs for cash' deals. As his friend begins his 'coming out', Byron is stuck in that 'internalised homophobic' mindset, which makes their relationship an intriguing thing to watch. This film got plenty of bad reviews when it was released a few years ago, but if you enjoy films like Scary Movie, Another Gay Movie and other piss-takers, this one will be fine for you. Don't expect too much depth, and lap up the filthy laughs! I give this film 7/10. The trailer, shown below, gives you a good idea what you're in for. I rented this one from Ponsonby's Video Ezy store - and it should be available in larger video shops around NZ. Seen a good LGBT-themed movie you want to tell people about? Share your recommendations on's Arts Forum, linked below. Matt Akersten - 12th April 2008