A young transgender Indian who started life as Ramesh Venkatesan - but is now known as Rose - has made television history by hosting a TV chat show. Rose Venkatesan Not only is it India's first TV programme to discuss sex, homosexuality, adultery, prostitution and pornography, it is also the first time a transgender person has appeared as a television anchor. The first episodes of Ippadikku Rose (Yours, Rose in Tamil) aired last week. Rose, a 28-year-old, US-educated biomedical engineer, has no television experience. "Rose was rather nervous during filming for the first one but she settled down and was much more comfortable for the later ones," said Ashwini Mohan, head of marketing at Star Vijay TV. The program will tackle the taboos that surround sex in India. Sexual matters are rarely discussed in public, much less on television. South India is even more reserved than the north. This story continues on the link below.